Mason Students Disatisfied of Campus Police

The purpose of a police force is to serve and protect, correct? We want to feel safe and protected from harm that could arise at anytime, yet more often than not we feel intimidated. Intimidated by police officers and cadets simply because of the stigma that surrounds them.

Over the years more and more reports about police brutality have surfaced, and complaints about officers simply pulling drivers over to meet their “quota” have increased. This issue isn’t sequestered to just one area, but is a known problem nation-wide.

Students at George Mason University are especially concerned of their on-campus police department. Several students have mentioned that rarely do they see officers walking around campus late at night, or driving around campus. The whole point of patrolling is to make sure everything is sound, isn’t it? Another complaint happened to be about the “blue light” system, where a person would press ‘help’ at the closest blue light and a cadet or officer would walk them to their car or building late at night. One student who chose not to disclose her name, stated that she received a blatant “No” after asking for someone to help her back to her car.

Additional complaints come in the form of numerous speeding tickets, parking violations, and so forth. Students feel that the campus police are “simply looking to get you into trouble”, rather than what their job description entails, serve and protect.

What’s your opinion?


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