Entries Tagged 'comm361' ↓

Backup those Computers, Hard Drives really do crash

Almost everyone has heard of a hard drive failing, but few of us have actually experienced it. Two of the biggest questions of hard drive failures are: 1) What causes it? 2) What happens to the data? Hard Drives, or HDD (Hard Disk Drive) often comes with some sort of life expectancy; a number that […]

Mason Students Disatisfied of Campus Police

The purpose of a police force is to serve and protect, correct? We want to feel safe and protected from harm that could arise at anytime, yet more often than not we feel intimidated. Intimidated by police officers and cadets simply because of the stigma that surrounds them. Over the years more and more reports […]


Pinterest is an interesting tool, and I have yet to really grasp a need for it yet, but I’m sure it will come along. In the meantime, check out my page!

New iPad (3rd Generation) Initial Thoughts

My iPad 3rd generation was delivered today, and as a first-time owner I have to say I can see why there is so much hype! For starters, the main selling point for this new iPad is the retina display, and it is really something to look at. I’ve see the iPad/iPad 2 screen, yet this […]

Briggs – Journalism Next: Chapter 9

In this chapter of Journalism Next, Briggs capitalizes on the importance of data integrity in a news story. To maximize data integrity, Briggs suggests creating folders in e-mail programs and use these to organize various categories of email. This helps when it comes time to retrieve information. In addition, he suggests to make a list […]

Briggs – Journalism Next: Chapter 8

Just about every article on the web nowadays is accompanied by some sort of digital media, which in itself can tell a story. As journalists, we strive to provide the best content for our readers, viewers, and listeners, and what better way to provide these stories than with supplementary videos and images? In chapter 8, […]

Briggs – Journalism Next: Chapter 11

The previous chapter in Journalism Next spoke about the importance of creating conversations and connecting with the audience. Chapter 11 focuses more on the importance of actually building that digital audience, especially for news. The first point Briggs made was that journalists should make a point to track everything they post, so that they can […]

Where I’ve Been

The New iPad

Apple always seems to make their technology, whether completely revamped or slightly added to, a completed and utter revolution. This year, despite only making a few adjustments to their iPad line, the revamped tablet has once again become a hit. This years iPad features the same dual-core processor, but with quad-core graphics. Despite what many […]

Workshop 2: iMovie

When it comes to video editing, I consider myself pretty versatile when it comes to software. However, previous to my decision to snag my first iPad, I had little to no experience with iMovie. After finishing the workshop in the STAR Lab with a friend of mine, we both came to the realization that iMovie […]