Briggs – Journalism Next: Chapter 6

Photography, whether printed or digital, can easily make an “alright” story into an absolutely captivating story. Years ago many journalists often found themselves lugging around massive laptop-like devices and huge still-photography cameras. Nowadays, just about everyone and their brother can become a journalist and photographer. With the introduction of high-resolution/high-megapixel cameras embedded in cell phones, the quality of pictures one can take is remarkably stunning.

Because of the ease of digital photography, journalists have including photos in their stories as second nature. By default, almost every news story you read, whether it’s on the internet or in the daily paper, has a picture related to the material.

Not every photograph is a good one however, here are a few suggestions when looking for that perfect photo:

1. Framing: the content of the image and the location in relation to the frame is utmost important when trying to convey a story. Be sure to decide what should and should not be within the frame of your shot, as some objects may not serve a purpose. Picking objects related to your story and framing them in a unique way can make for an attractive photo. Also, never have your focal point in the very center of the picture, as it creates a sense of dullness – the human eye likes asymmetrical depictions.

2. Tone & Color: Contrast, exposure, white balance, and effects should always be taken into consideration when taking and editing a photo for a story. These aspects can really effect how a photo turns out.


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